[UX Study Case] Cicil

Redesign Cicil Payment Simulation Feature

Agung Sadewo Parmanto
6 min readNov 25, 2020

Cicil is an app that helps college student that provide solutions for higher education financing and he purchase of goods needed for Indonesian students responsibly.


On this challenge I will redesign Cicil payment simulation feature. In this case I will find the problem by searching the user pain point and problem using the review app on Google Play Store and testing the payment simulation. I will observe the review based on 1,2,3 star for finding the problem that user had.


Based on observation and testing the payment simulation, I found some problems on this feature.

1. Based on my testing, I found the flow is to complicated and waste of time. first, if I want to order it needs to be verify and it takes 2–3 days of work after that we need to meet the ambassador to complete the agreement and pay the DP (Down Payment).

2. The price of product that we want to buy is need to be above 250k, if we input the product under of that there’s no error or message that you can buy that.

3. Some product cannot obtain its price, and we need to input manually.

4. On the price breakdown table need to be concise to make user understand.

Based on Google Play user review I found the problems with the feature are.

1. “itu kan ada detail pembayarannya, nah disitu tidak tertulis pembayaran harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu, bukannya harus menunggu pesanan di acc terlebih dahulu? dan kalaupun harus membayar uang muka, disitu tidak tertera harus membayar kemana, dan ttd kontrak itu dimana ya?”

2. “mungkin kalau dibilang app ini membantu ya boleh lah,yang saya keluhkan adalah jangka waktu proses pemesanan pesanan yang sangat lama.yang saya takutkan ialah saat kita sudah mengikuti alur pemesanan nya yang cukup panjang dan memakan waktu juga,eh ternyata saat sudah melakukan dp,barang yang mau dipesan sudah diambil orang lain.dan lagi Referal Ambassador nya saya rasa kurang bermanfaat bagi pemesan karena setelah selesai melakukan kesepakatan,mereka seperti lepas tanggung jawab,sulit dihubungi”

3. “tolong dibedakan ketika membayar cicilan pertama dengan yg kedua, karena membuat costumer bingung. sudah bayar menggunakan ID barang pertama malah ID barang kedua yg kebayar, harusnya barang pertama udah lunas malah jadii jauh. orang jadi bingung makenya, kapok mah ada coi”

4. “kurang lengkap sih fitur2 kaya payment history, contact ambassador, info2 lainnya. tapi anehnya aplikasinya minta update terus, tapi gada perubahan dan penambahan fitur2 penting”

5. “Verifikasi pengajuannya terlalu lama. Saya daftar cicil untuk UKT hari selasa, sampai sekarang (senin) belum diverikasi pengajuan saya, padahal hari rabu sudah penutupan pembayaran. Kelas-kelas kuliah juga sudah banyak yg penuh karena sudah hampir penutupan registrasi. Apalagi termakan hari libur (diluar jam kerja cicil) jadinya semakin lama verifikasinya, sehingga saya batalkan pengajuannya”

6. bunga nya lumayan tinggi, semakin besar harga barang maka bunga akan semakin naik >8%, verifikasi yang terlalu lama sehingga barang yang ingin dibeli sudah sold out..

7. “bunga nya lumayan tinggi, semakin besar harga barang maka bunga akan semakin naik >8%, verifikasi yang terlalu lama sehingga barang yang ingin dibeli sudah sold out..

Hi, mengenai sistem pembayaran, kami tidak menggunakan sistem bunga, melainkan margin.Tinggi rendahnya margin ini bergantung oleh besarnya uang muka yang kamu bayarkan, lamanya jangka waktu cicilan, dan barang yang

kamu pilih. Dan perlu diingat, 3 hari verifikasi adalah 3 hari kerja tidak termasuk akhir pekan (Sabtu-Minggu) dan tanggal merah”

8. “pengajuan ditolak karena seller ga trusted, stlh itu ditolak lagi karna produk terlarang. Gimana sii? katanya bukan tanggung jawab kalo tertipu. bukan memudahkan tapi malah tambah menyulitkan. Aneh.

Based on the problem that I try and Google user review, the conclusion is the usage of ambassador is less useful cause of the user think that after the agreement the ambassador is out of responsibilities and lack of knowledge. Also the verification takes 2–3 days of work that makes the user took to long to wait.

Flow of Cicil

Flow of Cicil

From my testing of using the app I think the flow is to complicated and took long time to order. I recommend flow like this.

Redesign Flow of Cicil

Redesign Flow of Cicil

I also took some example that I put a product that under of 250k. I put a product and the page is not obtaining the price and makes errors for the product, also the price can be change.


For this process I observe what the lack of the feature what makes user complaint. The answer is user thinks the process took to long and some process can be cut and be concise.

This is the process I took when purchasing some item using the feature.

Process of “Pengiriman”,”Konfirmasi”, and “lengkapi data” took to long and it can be cut into one process.

So I made the flow like this to make sure the data will be concise.

After that from the flow I have design I make the User Interface for the payment simulation feature.

For this image below I redesign the feature to make sure the user knows how much he has to pay and the reason the DP is can be input manually cause it need to be exact number as user wanted to pay, and for the range of time it need to be slider cause of the user need to know how much money they need to pay within 2 months until 12 months.

My Redesign

For this image below I made the “perincian biaya” more concise for the user so it helps them to understand how much money they need to pay with the detail.

For this image below I made 3 steps for “pengiriman” steps I made as detail as possible for the user need to buy item using this feature, and it need to put some notes because when the vendor took the order and nothing on the detail it will send wrong item and makes the user complaint either to the vendor or to Cicil. For the “syarat dan ketentuan” step the user need to read and understand the term and conditions before they buy. For the “Konfirmasi Pembayaran” step the user need to pay the DP to proceed the transaction without confirmation again and meeting ambassador for 2–3 days of work.

That’s all from me hope you like it and if I have mistake I also want to apologize.


Agung Sadewo Parmanto

